A guide to the top performing studs in PFL

Top Studs in PFL
Every season owners plan their breeding with great care, following the meta, going against the meta, inventing the new meta, copying others in a futile attempt to replicate the meta three seasons ago. You get the picture. What you don't always get to see is which studs generate the next generation of champions. As discussed in various blog posts on this very site, I think the best way to judge a stud, is not by its on track record, or its naked attributes, but by the record of its offspring. The success of offspring seem to be fairly highly related, more so than that of the parents.
So below is a table, as of the end of season 23, of the top studs in the game. This information might be a vital ingredient in planning your breeding, but should not be treated as "the answer". It's just one more clue in an enigma wrapped in a riddle that is breeding in PFL.